Audi A3 (8P) – Show hidden menu Climatronic (Coding)

Purpose: Allows you to display the hidden menu of the Climatronic (Hidden Menu).


Display instantaneous digital speed? It’s possible! No need to use your VCDS VAG-COM cable for this tutorial.

What is it for?

In the hidden Audi Climatronic menu, you can easily access secret diagnostic readings like battery voltage, car speed, engine RPM, sensor reading, system DTC codes and much more.

Audi Climatronic hidden menu procedure

To display certain car operating parameters on the air conditioning screen:

  1. Press the air recycling button and the ventilation up button simultaneously.
  2. The display shows “1C” (channel 1 is default).
  3. Use the temperature change lever to select the desired function. “+” to access the upper channel and “-” to access the lower channel.
  4. For example, for Real-time Engine Oil Temperature, you need to display channel 51 (51C on the screen).
  5. Validate the function by pressing the air recycling button.
  6. The information for the selected channel is then displayed on the air conditioning screen.
Audi A3 (8P) – Show hidden menu Climatronic (Coding)
Audi A3 (8P) – Show hidden menu Climatronic (Coding)

List of hidden channels in menus

1 System error
2 Virtual sensor value
3 Console interior sensor value
4 Outdoor temperature value – water tank sensor
5 Outside temperature value – bumper sensor
6 Lower blow sensor value
7 Front blowing sensor value
8 Display check
9 Digital value potentiometer return temperature valve
10 Digital temperature valve setting
11 Digital value of the air conditioning valve return potentiometer
12 Digital instruction air conditioning valve
13 Digital value of the foot valve/defrosting return potentiometer
14 Digital foot valve/defrosting instruction
15 Digital value of the blowing air flap return potentiometer
16 Digital instruction for blowing air valve
17 Speed ​​in km/h
18 Ventilation voltage value (Volts)
19 Ventilation voltage setpoint (Volts)
20 Compressor voltage value (Volts)
21 Number of very low voltage (non-volatile) events
22 High pressure switch status
23 Number of high pressure (volatile) events
24 Number of high pressure events (non-volatile)
25 A/D Value Kick-Down Switch
26 A/D value hot indicator light
27 Engine speed
28 Compressor speed
29 Coding
30 Software version
31 Software index
32 Potentiometer error counter temperature valve
33 Air conditioning valve potentiometer error counter
34 Potentiometer error counter foot valve/defrosting
35 Error counter potentiometer air blowing valve
36 Cold stop temperature valve
37 Hot stop temperature valve
38 Closed air conditioning flap stop
39 Air conditioning flap stop open
40 Defrost stop foot valve/defrosting
41 Foot stop foot valve/defrosting
42 Open air blowing flap stop
43 Closed air blowing flap stop
44 Driving cycle counter
45 Calculated indoor temperature (Ninc)
46 Filtered outdoor temperature (°C)
47 Unfiltered outdoor temperature (°C)
49 Coolant temperature
50 Downtime in minutes
51 Engine temperature in °C
52 Compressor shutdown conditions
53 Display active electrical outputs: compressor, ambient air valve, water valve
54 Regulation indication number
55 Outside temperature in °C
56 Virtual indoor sensor °C
57 Interior console sensor °C
58 Water tank temperature °C
59 Bumper temperature °C
60 Lower blowing sensor temperature
61 Front blowing sensor temperature
62 Solar intensity W/m-1
63 Filtered solar intensity W/m-1
64 Delta increase ventilation
65 Delta transition air conditioning flaps
66 Cadence time /1.6 sec
67 Cold start correction
68 Maximum setpoint value of P and I components
69 Blowing sensor value feet (cnts)
70 Blowing feet sensor instruction (cnts)
71 Difference (Epsilon)
72 Part (+ heat / – cool)