Audi A3 (8L) – Deactivate the windshield washer warning light (Coding)
Purpose : Allows you to disable the washer light on OBD. (Model after 2000)
1 – With the engine off and the ignition off, connect your official VAG-COM VCDS cable to the computer and then connect the other end to the diagnostic socket of your vehicle.
2 – Switch on the ignition and then launch the VCDS program.
Line 1:
3 – Click on “ Select ” and then click on “ 17 – Instruments ”.
4 – Click on “ Coding 07 ”.
5 – The first two digits of the coding ( ?? xxx) are used to modify the options of the Instrument module. To remove the windshield washer light, subtract 04 from these digits.
In the example above the initial coding (with seat belt alarm) is: 07232
To remove the windshield washer light, simply recode as follows: 03232 (07 – 04 = 05)
To activate the windshield washer light: +04